I ran across this nifty little tool on my laptop. It's called a snipping tool and you can take little cuts from any image that crosses your screen, morph it with whatever morphing app you have and then do other stuff with it. Or you can just leave it native to how it was snipped.
Since I've been spending a ton of time lately in the BIC position (butt in chair), I got to watching for images and then snipping out their eyes. It sounds a little morbid putting it that way. You'll have to just trust me though . . . no images were harmed in the creation of this post!
A close friend I grew up with. I ran across a candid picture that his dad had taken one day when we were all at the races together. |
Holly in our Skype session.. such fun! |
Holly's self portrait. |
This is Piper, my Boston. She's wearing a beanie cap complete with propeller and everything. It was really just a sticker I stuck to her head. But she wore it well. |
This is my other Boston, Sampson, when he was just a puppy. It was that one blue eye that drew us in! |
Sampson has an evil side to him! |
Here's Sampson in Holly's watercolor family portrait. |
And here are Ronnie and Ron in the same watercolor! |
So that was a bit of fun. Stay tuned for future posts featuring other body parts, taken harmlessly from friends, family and critters who happen to wander across my screen.
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